Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Janjiku Harus aku Tepati  

I wanna show the world I will become a success PSYCHOLOGIST

janji itu harus aku tepati,, aku gag mau kecewain orang tuaku kedua kalinya, maap aku gagal di malaysia, tapi aku akan lebih fokus kalo aku kuliah di indonesia, wktuku di indonesia aku kugunakan sebaik mungkin, aku harus meraih cita citaku, aku harus mengembalikan semua harta kedua orang tuaku.
di keluarga aku sadar aku paling banyak menghabiskan harta ayahku, maafkan aku, aku masih belum becus mencari uang, aku tau aku anak yg paling nakal di keluarga dan menyusahkan kedua orang tua, paling banyak betingkah paling waahh sendiri.
maafkan aku ayah Sumarno, ibu Suhartini, mba Ria Oktaria, mas Mario Borneo S

aku janji aku akan tunjukkan bahwa aku bisa menjadi orang yg gag bergantung harta lagi pada kalian, aku harus BISA. aku akan tunjukkan kalo aku bisa menjadi anak yang MANDIRI.

18 tahun lebih aku menyusahkan kalian, dan 1 pun balasan belum ada yang aku berikan pada kalian. mungkin belum saatnya, aku akan tunjukkan pada kalian nanti,,

aku mohon doa restu kalian. hanya ada kata Maaf untuk kalian wahai keluargaku,,,

maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf maaf

aku janji suatu saat nanti aku akan menunjukkan bahwa aku bisa membuat gebrakan baru dalam hidupku. Amin.

Ya Allah bantu hambaMu ini ya Rahman . Amin

Jamie Cullum - Photograph  

Please watch this video, listen to the song deeply, I really love the song

Her name was written on a photograph,
Right next to her red, sunburnt face,
It all had happened in that long tall grass,
About a mile from her old place,
I can't remember how it started
And if it lasted that day in the sun.

We said that we were going to study hard,
We held our books instead of hands,
She held a blanket over cans of beer,
I can't deny I was so full of fear.

It's just another story caught up
In another photograph I found.
And it seems like another person lived that life A great many years ago from now,

When I look back on my ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time.
When I look back on my ordinary ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time.

And there's the first time that I tried that stuff,
I think I look a little green,
I remember throwing up behind a bush,
And I found it hard to use my feet,
And who's that easily led
Little boy who's really off his head?

It was the same night that I kissed that girl,
The tall one with the auburn hair,
I remember laughing coz to kiss me,
She had to sit down on a chair!
She tasted like the schnapps she'd drunk,
And the cigarette she'd stolen from her mum.

And it's just another story caught up in another photograph I found.

When I look back on my ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time.
When I look back on my ordinary ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time.